Redesign Smile Bank

2020 Webdesign and Mobile App Design

Redesign of the Smile bank's digital appearance - Project Mockup
New Website Hero Presentation
New App and New Card Mockup Presentation
Platforms, My Roles and Tools used
Design Brief
Redesign the digital appearance of the Smile Bank.
Incorporate the brand's pioneering position in digital banking into today's standards.
Define the key actions a user should and could take.
Period 1 Month
The challenge was to incorporate the brand's pioneering position in digital banking into today's standards.
Furthermore a new user experience had to be developed to meet the requirements of today's fast moving times. Due to the short period of time I had to focus on the essentials and the most important improvements which had to be done.
Goals for Redesign and Goals for Personal Development
My Mission
Help people feel empowered to make decisions
Design Process
I followed a user-centered design process with a focus on qualitative data collection and analysis to extract rich design insights. 
I followed a rigorous design and feedback cycle to create a tangible user-experience which could support all the previously named and elaborated objectives for the end-users. 
Each iteration was validated and improved on by user-testing and critiques from my design peers and mentors.
My UX Process
Problem Statement
 Giving the fast living young and working adults what they need. Find the main tasks and make them flawless, fast and super easy to use no matter if from home or on the run. Making the users smile.  

To identify the gap between the current state and the desired state I analyzed the insights I gathered in the empathize/ research phase(see later) and asked myself the four Ws
Who, What, Where and Why?

Who is experiencing the problem?
Who is the target user?
➜ Young adults 18 - 34 and working adults between 34 and 54
➜ 18 - 54 (m,f,d)
In order to establish the brand, it makes sense to concentrate on the domestic market, i.e. the United Kingdom.
What is the problem?
Pain points in the current state.
Since the target group is a fast-moving group of people which is mostly on the run and would like to accomplish things as fast as possible and efficient as possible. 
It became clear through user testing and research that the structure of the website is too complicated and the main tasks aren't clear enough.
This confronts the user with a frustratingly tedious process to their endgoal.

Where does the problem present itself?
When and where does the user face the problem?
Always regardless of whether the user is on the road or wants to carry out a task quickly from home.

Why change the current state to the desired state? 
What is the desired state? 
➜ Clear Call to Actions
➜ Clear Visual Hierachy
➜ Avoid Cognitive Overload
a flawless, fast and super easy to use user experience.

What value would a solution bring to the user, and to the business?
A reduction of the Time on Task (ToT) Rate and an increased 
Task Succes Rate(TRS) 
this leads to
➝higher user satisfaction ➝ better experience with the brand
➝happy customer➝better Net Promoter Score (NPS)
➝more customers
3 Objectives
My main research goal was to understand what people expect from online banking.
➜ What are aspects and features that should not be missing?
​​​​​​​➜ What is missing in the current state for the users?
➜ Where are obstacles in the user experience the users currently face?
Research data - mobile banking statistics
After also going through a secondary Research process where I conducted a better understanding of the key mobile banking statistics
I came up with the main aspects and features a digital bank should provide these days and the current needs and frustrations of the users.
Conclusion and Presentation of first Wireframes
The Design before and the main pain points for Users explained
A new Look and Feel - Presentation of the new corporate Design
New Logo and new Colors
New Feel. New Language
Smile Bank Marketing Presentation with the new App and new Language
Design Goals
Based on the key findings from the research stage I developed 
design goals and possible ideas for solving the problems.
I decided to focus on the following design goals:

For Website
Clear Visual Hierachy deleting the cognitive overload
from the design before
Help the users make decisions
Centralize the mobile app through pixel clean mockups of the app
Clear Call to Actions
Integrate the new Corporate Design 
Prevent users from getting overwhelmed with too much information

For Mobile App
Create a MVP (with main features)
Easy to use features
Easy to join sections
Design After - new mobile app
Mobile App Main Page Presentation - iPhone Mockup
Mobile App Start Screen
Mobile App all screens
Design After - new Website
Hero Page Presentation and explanation
Next Site Presentation - Present the App and the key features
Presentation of the different accounts and the cards
Apple Pay
Security with smile - explanation and presentation
Support chat feature Presentation
Testimonials to build trust and credibility
Testimonials 2
Marketing Poster - Get our App
Next Steps

For Website
Further tests on usability and Return of Invest of the new Website
with Time on Task and Task Succes Rate(TRS) analysis.
Make further adjustments if necessary.

For Mobile App
Analyse the insights gathered from the MVP of the App.
Draw a conclusion from this and develop and design the app further.
(planned for 2021)
Conclusion and analysis of my process

Due to the short period of time I had to focus on the essentials and the most important improvements which had to be done.
How do I get the most out for the users and the company in the shortest amount of time so all benefit?
This as a credo in the back of my head has helped me set priorities as a person and as a designer therefore I'm very thankful and happy that I did this project.
I focused on the main goal and challenge - incorporate the brand's pioneering position in digital banking into today's standards.
To further improve this I developed a small MVP of a mobile app for the bank to set the direction. The whole design and development of the App is scheduled for the beginning of 2021.
Furthermore I tried to help the users with the new marketing website to make the right decision which I tried to match with the interests of the brand.

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